CORPORATE TRANSPARENCY ACT (CTA) COMPLIANCE UPDATE: The Department of Treasury has issued a new interim final rule that states that the CTA will no longer apply to domestic (US) based companies. Entities formed in other countries that register in the US will still need to report. US formed entities that already filed do not need to file any updates and US formed new entities or those that have not filed yet do not need to file at this time. More information can be found: HERE.
*This update is purely informational and is not to be relied upon as legal advice
Key Legal Tips for Photographers

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Trellis believes in meeting your business where it is at and that includes providing free legal resources like checklists, guides, and more to help you better understand your business's legal needs and determine next steps. Check them out below.
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Below are free resources available to help you and your business. Toggle between the categories and explore. Each resource is available as a downloadable document and includes key legal tips and considerations along with links to our related blogs and templates to help you get started. Also sign up for our free resource newsletter (at bottom of page) to get them directly to your inbox every time a new one is released.
Wills & Estates
Legal Considerations and Language for Wills and Estates
Everyone has an estate. Whether it includes a home, a car, a record collection, or your savings accounts, it is helpful to have a will that clearly designates how and to whom your property will be distributed when you pass away. There are many ways to divide and distribute your estate and small differences in language can have a big impact.
Community Resources
Community Legal Resources
We’ve compiled this guide of community legal resources for Immigration, LGBTQ+, and general community legal services for help in and around Allegheny County and Pennsylvania. We believe that knowledge is power. Use this quick guide to help you navigate processes that can be confusing, complicated, and stressful.
Intellectual Property
4 Essential Steps to Filing a Trademark Application
The trademark application process is filled with hidden obstacles. The form itself appears simple, but there is a lot that should go on behind the scenes before filling the application out. Hopefully this list gives you a better idea of what to expect.
Employees & Independent Contractors
What Should be Included in an Employee Offer Letter?
The offer letter outlines the basic terms of employment without the implication of creating a binding contractual agreement for your new hire that can make it harder to terminate an employee down the road. Most offer letters should include a few key details, some of which are outlined in this resource.
So You Want To Be a Grant Writer...
A “grant” is a term for money received by an organization for a specific purpose. Grants can be awarded by foundations, charities, some charitable sectors of corporations, and various levels of government and agencies. To be awarded them, organizations have to go through a grant application process, and this is where professional grant writers can come in. Grant writers can be individuals or organizations, and they have a strategic and legal understanding of the necessary components to draft, submit, and ultimately receive successful grant applications. This resource is specific to Pennsylvania individual grant writers (which can be entities or individuals).
Agriculture & Farm Business
Farmer Off-Season Legal To Dos
As the days grow shorter and less productive outside, the winter months are a perfect time to put the
kettle on, gather around the kitchen table,… and get your farm business in order! While winter can be a
much-deserved respite, we encourage you to also work through this farmer’s off-season list of things to
get ready so you can have the administrative and legal stuff buttoned up before the sun comes out again.
LLCs & Other Entities
Forming a PA LLC
Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) for your business can be a great option to protect your personal assets, have a structure for growth for your business, and have formal documentation if you want to apply for grants, loans, and other programs. PA LLCs do not have annual filing requirements and have multiple options for how to be taxed, which can allow the owner to choose the best option for them. If you have multiple owners, it is a great way to keep the business separate from each individual owner and provide a clear outline as to how the owners will make decisions and more.
Property and Leases
Key Terms in Commercial Leases
Finding the right location can be essential for any brick-and-mortar business, but a bad commercial lease can end up being costly, frustrating, and can harm the future of the business. Also, commercial leases don’t have a lot of the same protections as residential leases and so what’s in your lease is often what goes. Understanding your lease, negotiating key terms, and spending the time thoroughly examining and discussing the aspects of your space can help avoid these pitfalls and give your business a place to grow.
LLCs & Other Entities
Adding an LLC Member
As your business grows and develops, you may have considered adding new members (owners) to your limited liability company (LLC). This can be an exciting next step but has some important legal implications. The purpose of this resource is to provide you with some considerations that may arise as you add a new member to your LLC and key legal steps.
Pennsylvania Law
Having a Legally Legit
Home Improvement Contract
Pennsylvania passed the Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act (HICPA) to protect people who pay others to do work on their homes, but these rules also help contractors and other home improvement workers (which includes more types of work than you think!), who want to be able to have a clear understanding around the work their doing, how and how much they’ll be paid for it, and what is expected between the homeowner and the contractor. This resource breaks down the key requirements needed for an enforceable home improvement contract.
Agriculture & Farm Business
CSA Terms & Conditions
One of the most important legal protections you can build for your CSA is its terms and conditions. You can use these terms as a printed contract or on your website when folks sign up for your farm’s CSA. In this resource, we outline four key provisions to have in your CSA terms and a link to our CSA terms template we have available!
General Business
Business Advertising 101
This resource covers important legal considerations when it comes to advertising your business, organization, fundraiser, or anything where you’re asking people to buy into the goods, services, and opportunities you offer. It's important to consider things like copyright, truth of advertising, and more!
Pennsylvania Law
PA Tip Wage Laws
New rules from Pennsylvania regarding tipped employees
went into effect on August 5, 2022 incorporating federal changes from 2021. It’s important that employers
who pay their workers via tips understand the changes that may affect them. This resource breaks down the key changes and considerations for employers with tipped employees.
Intellectual Property
Art Licensing Resource
If you create original art, like graphics, logos, animation, or photography, how can you sell your creations without actually giving away all your ownership of the art? Licensing provides a mechanism to allow for another’s use (and for you to be paid for it) without having to completely sell off your rights to it. A licensing agreement is an important contract to have between the artist and company utilizing the artist’s work in order to keep a record of the terms agreed upon between the two. This resource breaks down key considerations related to art licensing.
Online Sales & Digital Guidance
Legal Considerations for Social Media
For many small businesses, social media has become a near necessity. In a space that allows you to share so much – your story, your art, your products, your services – it’s important to understand the legal considerations around sharing, engaging, and posting to ensure your rights and the rights of others are protected.This resource includes a non-exhaustive to-do list of legal concepts, policies, and considerations.
Buying & Selling Businesses
Buttoning Up Your Business For Sale
Whether you plan to sell your business in the approaching future, or you want to be ready to accept that perfect offer, this resource features a checklist of items you can do right now to make sure your business is buttoned up for sale.What’s the point of buttoning up now? Well, even if you don’t ever intend to sell, it’s never a bad idea to get your house in order. This resource lays out some key ways to do so!
Agriculture & Farm Business
Legal Considerations in Sustainable Agriculture
The legal landscape surrounding sustainable farming can be complex and challenging. This guide outlines just a few common legal issues and considerations for farmers, growers, and ranchers to be aware of and address when pursuing sustainable practices.
Hosting Accessible Events to the Public
If you’re in the business of hosting public events or you’re thinking about putting one on, it’s important to understand your obligations to provide accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Whether you’re hosting a concert, a fundraiser, or a party in the street, under the ADA, “reasonable accommodations” must be made to any public event, even temporary ones.
Online Sales & Digital Guidance
Social Media Tips and Protections
Many small business owners are running their own social media accounts on top of their other responsibilities. You’re not alone! We’ve put together some tips and tricks to help make social media feel more manageable and how to keep your intellectual property protected online.
Employees & Independent Contractors
Employee Handbook Refresh
It’s always a good idea to have an employee handbook – whether you have one or one hundred employees – because the employee handbook can communicate to your team what is expected of them (proactively) and clearly outline specific policies and procedures for addressing concerns and resolving issues. Here a few questions to ask yourself if you’re working to update your current employee handbook!
General Business
Checking In On Your Business
From business structure to contracts and industry-specific rules and regulations, we know sometimes being a small business owner can be a little overwhelming, and you don’t even know where to begin. Whether it’s the end of the year and you’re organizing everything together, or it’s the beginning of a new chapter for your business, this resource has a few quick tangible, actionable steps you can take right now, this very minute, for your business. Once you’ve done these, you can better understand your business goals, and be prepared for requests, filing requirements, and growth.
General Business
Working with an Attorney
A lot of people know legal help and documentation are important, and there are a lot of internet resources out there, but what if you’re looking for specific advice or want an attorney to help you navigate everything? This resource is here to clear the air, provide some tips and options, and help you determine the right next steps for your biz.
Online Sales & Digital Guidance
Understanding Privacy Policies
Privacy policies and cookie labels have become commonplace but it’s important for businesses to know if they need one, what it should include, and what laws they may need to consider. So, whether you’re a business with an intake form or sell products online it’s important to know the basic legal considerations for privacy policies. Luckily, we’re here to break them down for you!
Operating a Strong Non Profit
Forming a nonprofit and applying for tax-exempt status can be a long process, full of anticipation. Receiving 501(c)(3) status for your nonprofit can be an exciting time, but with it comes a few things to think about and important next steps. This guide outlines a few things you should consider and refer back to as you operate a non-profit whether you just got your 501(c)(3) status or have been operating for several years.
Pennsylvania Law
Allegheny County Paid Sick
Leave Act
Allegheny County’s Paid Sick Leave Ordinance (Ordinance No. 15-21) is now in effect. It requires certain employers to provide paid time off to their employees when they are sick or need to take care of family members who are sick. The following is a general overview of the Ordinance and who it applies to. For more information, check out the county's website or its frequently asked questions page.
General Business
Resources For Small Businesses
From accounting to zoning, there are so many resources out there – people, software, organizations, and more – created just for helping small businesses get started and succeed. We’ve put together a list of potential resources created to help you begin, run, advertise, and grow your business, and thrive.
Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property Toolbox
Intellectual property (IP) protects things we create. It’s an area of property law because there are ownership rights associated with all of them. Someone taking them – especially when they do it to make money – is a kind of theft. Whether you make art, build things, or run a consulting business, chances are you have some level of IP worth protecting. This resource outlines various tools you can employ to protect – and potentially enforce – your own intellectual property.
Buying & Selling Businesses
Buying a Business
No matter if you’re purchasing a thriving shop with a valuable list of clients or a hometown favorite that’s about to close its doors, businesses aren’t something you can just buy off the rack and pay for at the register. The process takes time and diligence. From your first offer through the closing of the sale, you’ll see many legal documents and sign many contracts along the way. This is also an area it’s really important to make sure you work with an attorney!
Agriculture & Farm Business
Farm Lease Dos and Don'ts
Leases for land are an excellent way for property owners and farmers alike to make use of great space. Most who work in farming are familiar with the leasing of land, and there are many types of land leases, but this resource identifies a few of the general considerations to include in them, including some things to think about before signing anything. It’s organized into do’s and don’ts for your farm lease, so know what to look out for and you can hit the ground running.
Intellectual Property
Understanding Different Types of Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property (or IP) refers to the property rights associated with creations – whether that’s art, graphics, inventions, and other intangibles. This resource breaks down the various types of IP to help you recognize the differences between them and better understand what types may be at play in different scenarios. This resource is a 10,000-foot view of a pretty complicated area of the law, so be sure to consult with an attorney if you have IP questions.
Property and Leases
Navigating Landlord-Tenant Relationships
In one way or another, you’ve come into contact with a rental space. Every now and again, there’s going to be a bump in the road or an issue that arises. With this in mind, there are certainly ways where you can help the relationship stay on track and be fruitful. It pays to be aware and communicative to make a relationship smoother. This resource has a few tips and tricks to remember, prepare for, and understand for landlords and tenants alike.
LLCs & Other Entities
Does Your Business Name Need Approval First Before Forming Your Entity?
When writing your business plan, one of the first decisions you’ll make is choosing a name. While most businesses can simply check for name availability on the Pennsylvania Department of State’s online database and register without further steps (however, looking into trademark considerations is always recommended too!), certain industries and business types require governmental approval of the name before formation.
Intellectual Property
Why You Should Register Your Trademark Before Launching Your Brand
Business owners assume the registration of their business name means they own it. However, this is not the case. A filed business name is used to create a legal entity for tax and liability purposes, not protect a brand name. You could have a registered business and still receive a cease and desist.
Intellectual Property
Legal Health Checklist for Creatives
A lot of creatives, and let’s be honest, all small business owners, put legal on the back burner either because it is overwhelming or because the actual work is taking up so much time. Until you get a chance to book a Legal Health Checkup with us, here are some important things to keep in mind.
Intellectual Property
6 Ways a Small Business Can Protect its Works under Copyright Law
Even if you don’t think your small business has anything to register as a copyright, you likely do.
Examples that we often see among clients are: podcast episodes, online resources or other
downloadable resources, a unique process (put it on paper!), your business’s logo, photographs
that are so unique that others will likely try to imitate it- the list goes on! To protect your small business’s copyrights, here are 6 proactive steps you can take.
General Business
Corporate Transparency Act - FAQs
New federal reporting requirements for many businesses went into effect on January 1, 2024, requiring disclosures of information related to owners, locations, and other company details. As expected, a complicated new law with obligations for small businesses is going to lead to some necessary questions. This list of FAQs can hopefully clear some confusion up.
LLCs & Other Entities
Planning for Partnership
Starting a business is an exciting time. You have a product or service, a plan to get customers, and maybe you have some co-founders. But before you form an entity or officially open for business, it is important to plan appropriately if you have more than one owner. We always say it is better to hash things out before money is involved. So, this resource is all about planning for your business partnership and the important questions to tackle ahead of opening.
Employees & Independent Contractors
Hiring Independent Contractors
Independent contractors can be a great way to provide valuable services for your business, but it is important to ensure the contractor is properly classified, your contract addresses important provisions, and you obtain the proper tax information. We break these considerations down in this resource.
Steps After a Contract is Signed
The client contract solidifies the foundation in developing a productive client relationship by identifying the exchange of expectation between parties concerning scope of services to be provided and the terms in which to perform the scope of services. But after the contract is signed, it’s important to just file and forget it. So, this resource is about unpacking some basic next steps to consider after signing a client contract beyond the scope of services to be performed.
LLCs & Other Entities
Operating Your LLC Correctly to Protect Liability
You may have heard the phrase “piercing the corporate veil.” This expression refers to when someone is able to show that you haven’t operated your business as something separate from yourself and because of that they can come after your personal assets in addition to suing your business. Keeping your business operations, assets, and liabilities separate from yourself can help protect you personally from your role as a member of an LLC. This resource breaks down how to do just that!
General Business
Plain & Simple Legal Dictionary
We get questions all the time about what specific provisions mean in contracts or other legal language a person is hearing that they just don’t understand. All those weird words in contracts and business law do not have to be so complicated. Plain and simple is our little legalese dictionary where we break down complex legal terms into an understandable, digestible way.
Unlike other resources, this is a living document so come back often and see new terms added.
Agriculture & Farm Business
Legal Tips for a Farmer's Market Stand
If you have or are thinking of setting up a stand at a farmer's market it’s important to make sure you’re protecting your business, your products, and your people from potential liability and penalties for not operating legally. This resource breaks down some of the key legal considerations for your farmer's market stand so you can focus on your business and not liability!
Employees & Independent Contractors
Intro Guide to On-Boarding Employees
You’ve made it to a point in your business that you’re ready to hire some help. This can be simultaneously exciting and a bit nerve-wracking! This checklist contains a few things you’ll want to understand before casting that hiring net. Each of these considerations is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to hiring staff and only meant to provide some key points.
Property and Leases
Opening a Brick & Mortar
From art galleries to spin studios, opening a brick-and-mortar location is an exciting step in every entrepreneur’s journey. But there is a lot of work before you flip that door sign to OPEN. This resource covers a few legal considerations to ensure everything is running rosy come grand opening.
Key Contracts for Your Biz
You’ve probably heard the expression “get it in writing” when it comes to agreements. And of course, we fully support that, but there are also so many kinds of contracts to get in writing. And for good reason as there are so many different kinds of relationships! This resource lists a few types of contracts in no particular order (okay, actually they’re in alphabetical order because we’re type A lawyers), and links to provide you with resources related to each.
Understanding Waivers and Releases
If you’ve ever participated in an event, sport, activity, or even signed a contract you have probably seen language around liability waivers and/or a release. Waivers and releases are a common part of everyday business transactions. They can be helpful in helping customers make informed decisions, make
it clear who owns certain rights, and they can protect businesses and people from certain types of actions surrounding their line of work. This resource explains a few important details around, differences between, and offers some examples.
Industry Specific
Key Legal Tips for Photographers
Photographers have a special kind of talent to capture the world’s infinite beauty and some of our best moments in it! This resource has a few tips and tools to implement so you can better build your business as one that protects itself, its owner (you!), its subjects, and its clients.
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